How to do a Kipping Pull Up
The Kipping pull up is a CrossFit Gymnastics skill. We do not use this skill to build strength, we use it to accumulate an element of gymnastics volume in our workouts. The kipping pull up done correctly requires a huge amount of core strength and control. To perfect this movement we perform numerous floor drills focused on strengthening the Abbs, glutes and lower back. Check out our previous blog on How to Perform the Kipping Swing.
As CF Gym we train a lot of strict pulling work which passes over into our gymnastics and Olympic lifting. This includes Scap work, strict pull ups and progressions such as negatives and isometric holds. Before you can do kipping work we make sure all athletes have gone through their strict progressions and have both the mobility and strength in their shoulders to learn the Kipping swing and kipping pull up.
The kipping pull up is a very useful tool and is the first stepping stone before learning harder progressions such as chest to bar pull ups, bar muscle ups and work on the rings. The kipping pull up is not to be mistaken as our only method of performing pull ups. Strict pull ups are a huge part of strength work which are often not seen in our daily workouts (WOD) but are a big part of our strength piece. Check out the video below on how to perform the Kipping Pull up correctly.