Open Prep Camp

with Sam Stewart & Jamie Headon
European Regional and Sanctional Athletes


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6 Week Training Camp – 26th February Onwards

Attack the OPEN HEAD-ON!

Every Friday we will be running a Live Zoom Q&A. Every week we will take on a new topic to get you – OPEN READY.

We will pick a topic each week and send everyone a brief on what will be discussed. We will then open the floor for questions.
Each session will be approx 30 minutes and will also be recorded so you can revisit the live interactive sessions.
See topics below…

Week 1 - Goal Setting - Where do you want to place in the Open?

Once you have a goal we will provide you with scores you will need to hit in each workout and what your training will look like throughout the Open.

Depending on where you want to place on the Open will have a huge impact on your training volume between workouts.

Week 2 - Nutrition - What should I eat in the lead up to the Open?

We will look at carb loading pre-competition, what you should eat the day of your workout and between repeats.

Week 3/4/5 - We will discuss how you should attack each workout.

During the open we will discuss everything from:

  • Equipment set up for quick transitions,
  • Should I wear grips, tape, knee sleeves,
  • Split times to ensure you hit your target score (we will provide different splits depending on what your goal is)
  • How should I break up the workout
  • Should I repeat the workout
  • What should I train in between workouts
  • Expert predictions for each workout

Week 6 - Final week Open Recap

For anyone that qualifies through to the Quarter finals we will discuss preparation and how to attack Phase 2 of the Crossfit Open 2021.

Sign Up Now - €60 for 6 Weeks

Limited Spaces Available. Starting on 26th February 2021.

Sign Up Now